April 29, 2020
Half Moon Observance Day
When: 7-9pm, April 29, 2020
Location: Abhayagiri, 16201 Tomki Rd, Redwood Valley, CA 95470, USA
Description: We are asking the general public to abstain from coming to the monastery for the evening chantings, meditations and Dhamma talks.
However, it is still possible to participate in Evening Puja via Live Stream which is made available on Abhayagiri's YouTube Channel.
Evening chanting, meditation, taking of the precepts and a Dhamma talk will take place at Abhayagiri from 7:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m.
The evening continues with a meditation vigil through the night, with sitting and walking meditation as one wishes in half-hour segments. There is an intermission with tea and informal discussion at midnight, then sitting and walking resume until morning chanting at 3:00 a.m.