
Thanksgiving Retreat 2023

2023 Thanksgiving Retreat Led by Ajahn Karunadhammo, Ajahn Nyaniko and the Abhayagiri Community November 19-26, 2023 at Applegate Retreat Center, Applegate, CA Abhayagiri Monastery in Redwood Valley, California and the Sanghapala Foundation invite you to join the Abhayagiri Community for an eight day residential retreat over Thanksgiving. Although zoom has been a great support over the time of the…


Conversation with Ajahn Jayasaro on June 13th

At 9am PDT (Pacific Time) on June 13, Ajahn Jayasaro will be doing a virtual question and answer session with the Buddhist Community at Stanford (BCAS). The general public is welcome to view this event. The schedule for the event is : 8:30 - 9:00 AM PDT Group meditation (without Ajahn Jayasaro) 9:00 - 10:00 AM Ajahn Jayasaro Q&A with the Buddhist Commmunity at Stanford For more information, please…


Save the Dates for Annual Retreat

Mark Your Calendar - The Annual Retreat is Scheduled for Dec. 4 - Dec. 13 Abhayagiri’s annual monastic retreat is scheduled for Fri. Dec. 4 – Sun. Dec. 13, 2020 at the Jesuit Retreat Center in Applegate, CA. Registration for this retreat will likely open sometime during the summer, usually in July or August. Due to Covid-19, and the uncertainty about what restrictions, if any, will be in existence…


Transitions at Abhayagiri

In 2018, Ajahn Karuṇadhammo began a two year commitment to be co-abbot with Ajahn Ñāṇiko, to help with the transition period after Luang Por Pasanno stepped back from being the abbot and began a one year sabbatical. Having just finished his two year commitment, Ajahn Karuṇadhammo will be going to the Pacific Hermitage for the vassa and Ajahn Ñāṇiko will be the sole abbot for the foreseeable future…


Precautions Due to COVID-19 - Updated May 3, 2020

Abhayagiri is considering how to continue to support the extended Abhayagiri community amid concerns and regulations regarding COVID-19. Please note that we have put the following precautions in place : The monks are not going on alms rounds. The Saturday night and Lunar Observance Day evening services are no longer available for the general public to participate in person. However, you may still…

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Three Points to Check

Ajahn Sucitto

The Buddha said there are three points to check before we do something: ‘This is for my welfare’, ‘This for the welfare of others’ and ‘It leads to nibbāna, [Majjhima Nikāya 19]’, which means it leads to letting go, to release, to non-compulsiveness; it leads to the mind’s becoming less feverish or gripped and finally towards peace, towards ceasing of this inner compulsiveness – however you want to define nibbāna. When something is for my welfare, it brings up skilful states in me; I feel respect for myself; I feel a sense of kindness, strength or calm in myself. If all these three checkpoi…

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