June 6, 2023
1st Tuesday Tea and Dhamma Talk at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
When: 5-9:30pm, June 6, 2023
Location: 2304 McKinley Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703, USA
Abhayagiri’s Berkeley First Tuesday program will be held today. Ajahn Cunda will lead the program. Please note we will resume the full in-person program (i.e. teatime and evening session). Masks will be required. Online attendees may join the teatime Q&A portion of the program via Zoom.
A. In-Person Attendees in Berkeley, California (Mask Required)
Everyone will be asked to wear a mask. The only exception is the senior monk answering questions and giving the talk. We would appreciate your patience and understanding that we’re taking a cautious approach. We will continue to re-evaluate this policy together with our gracious host each month. I hope this temporary policy will not prevent us from having a harmonious get-together (please bring your own mask as we have limited supply).
The schedule is as follows:
- 5:00 - 6:00pm Tea Time Q&A with the Monastics (Dining Room) - A great time to bring your dhamma questions. Kindly keep voices low in the lobby and hallway as you enter and exit the building. Please help yourself to tea and 'allowables' but arrive no earlier than 4:50PM.
- 7:30 - 9:30pm Evening Session (Main Shrine Room) - Dhamma talk after chanting, refuges/precepts, and meditation. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in setting up for the evening and putting away chairs/cushions at the end. Doors for this session open at 7:15PM.
Note: Our host, the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, has meditation and chanting programs from 5:15PM to 7:15PM in the main shrine room and these programs overlap with the First Tuesday program. We would be very thankful if attendees can mingle outside the building during the break (6:00PM-7:15PM).
Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
2304 McKinley Ave.
This is one block from the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Bancroft Way. The Downtown Berkeley BART station is about a 10-15 minute walk.
B. Online Attendees of Tea Time Q&A
- Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8287
6211825?pwd=cFJlVFRFcnJxaTVGNV A3VDk2N05pdz09 - Meeting ID: 828 7621 1825
- Passcode: 573931
1. It's fine to share the meeting ID and passcode through private messages. Please don't share on social media or any public forum (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).
2. The waiting room will be open at 4:45pm and we will admit you individually.
3. Unless you're a regular attendee and the host can easily recognizes your unique name, you will be asked to turn on your video camera to validate you're a legitimate attendee.
4. (New) If you have a question, please raise your virtual hand and we'll weave in your questions with those from in-person attendees as best as we can.
5. If you have trouble displaying your name on your device, join at 4:45 pm so we have enough time to admit you.