7 พฤษภาคม 2024

Alms Round in Ukiah and Redwood Valley

Description: Monastics walk for alms in Ukiah and Redwood Valley starting at 9 a.m. A small group of monks enters Ukiah and walks north on State Street from approximately 9:00-10:30 am accepting offerings of alms food as is the daily custom in Theravada Buddhist countries. They can be met in front of the Safeway grocery store (on the sidewalk along State St.) around 9:15 am, or in Alex Thomas Plaza in the city center around 9:30 am. Another group of monks walks north East Road from the Redwood Valley town center starting at 8:40 am. A third group walks along Tomki Road, through the local Frey Vineyards.

New Moon Observance Day

Description: Chanting begins at 7 pm followed by a period of silent meditation and a Dhamma talk given by a senior monk. Guests may arrive early at 5:30pm for tea time if they hope to have a question and answer session with a monastic. 

The puja and Dhamma talk can also be viewed on the Abhayagiri YouTube channel.

1st Tuesday Tea and Dhamma Talk at Berkeley Buddhist Monastery

When: 5-9pm, 7 พฤษภาคม 2024

Location: 2304 McKinley Ave, Berkeley, CA 94703

On May 7, the Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery’s First Tuesday programs will feature three sessions, including an online-only Q&A with Ajahn Nyaniko. The online-only Q&A will be available to all but primarily intended for those living out of the area or unable to travel to Berkeley. It will be followed by in-person sessions led by Ajahn Karunadhammo. The programs in Berkeley will not be available for online participation. Masks are currently optional. 
The schedule in Pacific time zone is as follows:

  • 3:30 - 4:30 pmOnline Q&A with Ajahn Nyaniko. This is a great opportunity to ask your dhamma questions via Zoom. (See Zoom link further below.)
  • 5:00 - 6:00 pmIn-person Teatime Q&A with Ajahn Karunadhammo in the Dining Room. This is a great opportunity to ask your dhamma questions in-person. Kindly keep voices low in the lobby and hallway as you enter and exit the building. Please arrive by 4:50 pm and help yourself to tea and allowables.
  • 7:30 - 9:30 pmIn-person Evening Session with Ajahn Karunadhammo in the Main Shrine Room. Dhamma talk preceded by chanting, meditation, and refuges/precepts. We would greatly appreciate your assistance with setting up and putting away chairs/cushions. Doors for this session open at 7:15 pm.

The Berkeley Buddhist Monastery (BBM), our gracious host, has meditation and chanting programs from 5:15 to 7:15 pm in the Main Shrine Room. These programs partially overlap with Abhayagiri’s First Tuesday program at BBM. After the Teatime and prior to the Evening Session, please be mindful of others and take conversations outside the building.   

Berkeley Buddhist Monastery
2304 McKinley Ave.
(One block from the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and Bancroft Way. The Downtown Berkeley BART station is about a 10-15 minute walk.)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 0634 8621
Passcode: 679359


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Meeting ID: 840 0634 8621
Passcode: 679359

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/keHIso6J6K

⇠ กลับไปที่ข่าวพฤษภาคม 2024