At a Cremation

อาจารย์ เลี่ยม

At a Cremation

I heard that you went to see cremations at the crematorium in Melbourne. What would be some good reflections to use on this topic? One can take what one sees at a cremation as a theme for questioning oneself. For example: today they have burned this person, but tomorrow who knows who is going to be burned… could it be me? These are good questions because they make us skilled in dealing with the re…

Changed and Changing

อาจารย์ อมโร

Changed and Changing

Now it is morning again and, after grey skies in Tromsø, like yesterday it is bright above and sparkling on the water. There is a mellow mood amongst us six – a feeling of re-entering that other world and a drainedness, after the peak of our Svalbard days. When we crossed the Arctic Circle after breakfast today, there was no impulse amongst us to do more than look out of the windows above the ster…

Living In Reality

อาจารย์ สุนทรา

Living In Reality

When the weather is beautiful, we notice how the human mind is influenced and affected by the brightness of sunshine. On a sunny day in England, I always feel that the sunshine brings happiness into people’s minds, and when they’re happy, they seem to get along better naturally. What happens to our minds when the clouds come? When the mind is miserable, it is difficult to connect with people. The…

Know What Things Actually Mean

อาจารย์ วีรธัมโม

Know What Things Actually Mean

It’s a wonderful feeling to confront some habit of the mind that makes you suffer until you know it well enough that you’re no longer falling victim to it. When you see that your emotional buttons aren’t being pushed anymore, you have more confidence in your practice. But this change doesn’t come without some effort. You have to make the determination: “I’m going to really look at this unskillful…

The Howling Dog Syndrome

อาจารย์ สุจิตโต

The Howling Dog Syndrome

Probably every one of us who has practised meditation has experienced the ‘howling dog’ syndrome. It’s like you have something within you that is whining and, hearing it, you think, ‘I’ll shut that out and get on with the practice.’ It’s like having a dog howling in the basement, so you close the door and move up to the next floor to get away from all that. But the howling gets louder – maybe it’s…

Is It Not Time to Let Go?

อัยยา เมธานันทิ

Is It Not Time to Let Go?

The Buddha likened the mind to a guest house. (Agāra Sutta, SN 36.14). Whatever is happening around us, be it in a condo or bungalow, alone or in community, our dwelling place is teeming one moment, tranquil the next. Likewise, the pleasant, painful, worldly, and unworldly feelings passing through the mind are to be treated like guests. Sitting quietly, we practise being more mindful and observan…

Finding That Oil

ฐานิสสโร ภิกขุ

Finding That Oil

Many meditators are squeezing gravel to get sesame oil. Then they realize that this doesn’t work, so they stop squeezing the gravel — and that’s where they stop. They celebrate how great it is to stop squeezing gravel, thinking that that’s the secret to good practice. Well, it’s an important step, but the path actually consists of finding sesame seeds and squeezing them. It may take some effort, b…

We’re Going to Feel It

อาจารย์ สุเมโธ

We’re Going to Feel It

Notice how things affect your mind. If you’ve just come from your work or from your home, notice what it does to your mind. Don’t criticize it. We’re not here to blame or to think that there’s something wrong with our profession if our mind isn’t tranquil and pure and serene when we come here. But notice the business of life: having to talk to people, having to answer telephones, having to type or…

A Backdrop for Reflection

อาจารย์ สุเมโธ

A Backdrop for Reflection

You have to find someone you resonate with. I’d been in other places and nothing had really clicked. I didn’t have a fixed idea of having a teacher either; I had a strong sense of independence. But with Luang Por I felt a very strong gut reaction. Something worked for me with him. The training at Wat Pah Pong was one of putting you in situations where you could reflect on your reactions, objection…

Is Anger a Good Thing? Ajahn Plien

อาจารย์ เปลี่ยน

Is Anger a Good Thing? Ajahn Plien

Please reflect: is anger a good thing? How long have we been holding on to our aversions? Aren’t we fed up with negativity? Does the burning rage inside make you happy? Don’t you want to purify your mind of it? Don’t you want to live happily? Or would you rather hold on to it and lead a miserable life? If you want your life to move in a positive direction, then inwardly reflect and look at the con…