Fire Update, October 15, 2017

Most of the community went down to Fremont today to hold the Kathina Ceremony at Wat Buddhanusorn. Hundreds of people showed up to share their support for the monastic community.
See more photos from Kathina. Also, if you have photos that you would like to share with us, please send us a message.
Just before the Kathina Ceremony started, Luang Por Pasanno shared some positive news that the major buildings on the Abhayagiri property were not damaged. In addition, during the Sunday evening’s county press conference, officials were confident that the properties along Tomki road, including the Abhayagiri property, would be reopened for residents and owners very soon.
Luang Por Pasanno will be giving a talk on Monday at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas starting at 8:15pm.
Luang Por Passano’s talk will be streamed live via gotomeeting. You can join the meeting from computer, tablet or phone by going to: