New Year's Eve Almsround and Meditation

We will celebrate New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day at Abhayagiri Monastery. On New Year’s Eve there will be a ceremonial almsround at the monastery. New year’s day being Wan Phra, the monks will follow their usual almsround in Ukiah and Redwood Valley.
December 31 (New Year’s Eve)
9:45 am – Arrive
10:15 am – Monks’ Almsround at the monastery (ceremonial food offerings made directly into the monks’ bowls) *
10:45 am – Meal Offering (please bring a dish to share)
11:00 am – Blessing
2:00 pm – Afternoon Puja and Dhamma Talk
5:30 pm – Tea Time
7:30 pm – Evening Puja and possible Dhamma Talk
9:00 pm to 11:30pm – Walking or Sitting Meditation
11:30 pm – Paritta Chanting
12:01 am – Sharing the Merit
January 1 (Wan Phra, New Year’s Day)
8:00 to 10:30 am – Monk’s almsround in Ukiah and Redwood Valley
10:45 am – Meal offering at the monastery
7:30 pm – Evening Puja, Eight Precepts and Dhamma Talk
9:00 pm to … – Late Night Vigil
* For the ceremonial almsround on December 31st, please offer any kind of rice (white, brown, etc). Dry goods and other requisites can be placed on the Dana Table to be offered to the monks. Cooked food will be offered to the monks in the kitchen at 10:45 am. Please do not put money, checks, or canned foods into the monks’ bowls.