In the Light of Dependence
Ajahn Sucitto

In summary, the core meaning is that when the awakened mind reviews the manifest world, it exhibits a deep appreciation of ‘uncivilized’ nature. On the face of it, this is simply because a remote environment offers fewer possibilities for worldly motivation, and also encourages deep contemplation on the facts of existence. In the presence of constant change and the imminence of death, the mind tunes in with immediacy, focused attention and dispassion.
And as they mature, contemplatives continue to deepen by living in harmony with natural processes; they foster an awareness that isn’t fettered by egocentric views and inclines towards Dhamma. Once freed of ignorance, the mind is of unfettered vitality – and yet in terms of behaviour, it lives in the light of dependence.
Just as a samaṇa lives dependent on this focused awareness and on the free-will generosity of householders, so, in the wilderness, creatures, plants and hermits all live freely supported by an environment that enfolds them. Just as a samaṇa’s alms-faring in the village is likened to a bee collecting nectar from a flower without harming it, in the holistic realm of the wilderness, no creature is dominant or exploitative.
This reflection by Ajahn Sucitto is from the book, Buddha Nature, Human Nature, (pdf) pp.182-183.