อาจารย์ สุจิตโต

The big difficulty for human beings is the vital factor of renunciation. However, as we develop the good heart, we find we can relinquish. As we feel good in ourselves, we have fewer needs. Also when we feel good in ourselves, we don’t mind taking things on. So we can renounce things not in a dismissive or puritanical way, but because the clinging and neediness is alleviated.
There are different kinds of need. One is to have lots of things, to get things; one is to be something; another is to be removed from things. These movements of the mind are known as kàma, bhava and vibhava. Renunciation, which runs right through the process of Dhamma, can eventually curtail these factors. This renunciation is then an expression of fulfillment.
This reflection by Ajahn Sucitto is from the book, Kalyana, p.14.