Honest Feedback Out of Compassion

อาจารย์ สุจิตโต

Honest Feedback Out of Compassion

So it’s interesting that the Kathina season begins with what’s called the Pavaranā – which means ‘Invitation.’ Pavaranā is the invitation that the samanas, the monks and nuns, offer to each other; it’s a kind of voucher. And this voucher says: ‘If you see or even suspect that there’s something that I’ve been doing wrong – please let me know.’ The Buddha said this is the most precious gift we can…

Until Wisdom Becomes Perfectly Clear

อาจารย์ มุนินโท

Until Wisdom Becomes Perfectly Clear

Alert to the needs of the journey, those on the path of awareness, like swans, glide on, leaving behind their former resting places. Let us consider together this short teaching from the Buddha. When we begin on this journey we are all seeking, in some form or another, an increased sense of freedom. Maybe we were motivated by an altruistic vision of living with greater compassion. Or perhaps it wa…

Counteracting Superstition

อาจารย์ อมโร

Counteracting Superstition

One of the characteristics for which Ajahn Chah was most well-known was his keenness to dispel superstition in relation to Buddhist practice in Thailand. He strongly criticized the magic charms, amulets and fortune-telling that pervade so much of that society. He rarely spoke about past or future lives, other realms, visions or psychic experiences. Anyone who came to him asking for a tip about the…

The Secret of Walking Meditation

อาจารย์ เลี่ยม

The Secret of Walking Meditation

The secret of walking meditation is to walk in a manner that will imprint nothing but peaceful happiness with each step. This reflection by Luang Por Liem is from the booklet, Walking with Awareness, (pdf) frame 3.


Bhikkhunī Santacittā


The practice of maraṇasati consists of three primary reflections: Death is inevitable. We cannot know when, where, and how we will die. When death comes, we will have to let go of everything. These contemplations can be done while sitting in meditation, while walking, while lying down, or whenever we think of it. We can begin by taking a few breaths and grounding in the body. We might say to ours…


อาจารย์ สุจิตโต


We often comment, sometimes humorously I hope, that we can irritate each other or experience other people as irritations – and that’s also true, isn’t it? What makes it that way? What makes other people irritations to us, disappointments to us, fears to us? What makes people that way? Why do we experience it like that? How limited we feel within that experience! How made small we feel! How unsafe…

Simple and Easy, Relaxed and Peaceful

อาจารย์ สุเมโธ

Simple and Easy, Relaxed and Peaceful

In a community then, there is a lot of intimidation. There are always those who sit straighter and are always on time. Those who never nod and always eat little – what we call the diligent ones. And then there is always somebody in the community who can’t do any of it very well. Ranging from those who desperately try to conform and live up to an image, and those who just try to do the best they ca…

The Patronage of Emperor Asoka

อาจารย์ อมโร

The Patronage of Emperor Asoka

One of the reasons why the Theravāda tradition has been sustained pretty much in its original form ever since then is because of the Emperor Asoka. He was a warrior-noble king about whom it was said, in typical mythical fashion, that he killed 99 of his brothers in order take over the throne. He then proceeded to work on the rest of India, conquering the vast majority of the Indian subcontinent. A…

Gentle and Humble

อาจารย์ เลี่ยม

Gentle and Humble

You need to train to bring forth an attitude of gentleness and humbleness. The words “gentle” and “humble” are about our good conduct as Sangha members – something that we need to practise by ourselves and develop in ourselves. With these qualities, the Sangha is well accepted by society. Anyone who behaves gently and humbly will always be well respected, even by the devas. The devas praise gentle…

What Is Head Hair Anyway?

อาจารย์ ตั๋น

What Is Head Hair Anyway?

What is head hair anyway? Regardless of whether it is long or short, it is just the earth element; but we consider it to be our own, ourselves, and so we keep it clean and give it lots of attention and care. You have probably combed your hair and noticed that two or three hairs have fallen out. When you next see this, try reflecting on them by asking yourself: ‘Are these hairs really who I am, my…